Aesthetic, Implant, Reconstructive Dentistry
(519) 742-9661
966 King Street W #101
Kitchener, ON N2G 1G4

Your Smile. Our Specialty
966 King St. W. #101, Kitchener, ON, N2G1G4
As experienced Prosthodontists based in the Waterloo Wellington region, our patients appreciate the warmth, professional integrity, and communication that define our practice. Our goal is to provide the highest quality comprehensive dental work for our patients, no matter it a single tooth or a complex reconstruction.
Kitchener Waterloo's most experienced Certified Specialist in Prosthodontics
What is a Prosthodontist
Prosthodontists are experts in the restoration and replacement of teeth – they make smiles look beautiful and function the way they should. After completing four years of dental school, Prosthodontists receive at least an extra three years of specialized training in an American Dental Association (ADA)/Canadian Dental Association(CDA) accredited graduate residency program. Prosthodontics is one of the nine dental specialties recognized by the CDA.
Many people think of prosthodontists as the “quarterbacks” of a dental treatment plan. They regularly lead a team of specialists to develop ideal solutions to your dental needs.

Interdisciplinary Care
Taking Care of You
We all know that a single dentist or specialist alone cannot always solve some of the more complex oral, cranial, and facial problems from which patients suffer. In a particularly complex case, there may be several referrals to several different specialists over the course of treatment. The interdisciplinary approach brings in collaboration that allows all specialists involved to conduct a dialogue concerning your care.
As a prosthodontists, Dr. Burgoyne and Dr. Wong are typically the last doctor you see prior to completion of your treatment and return to your dentist. That is why they will typically take control of the interdisciplinary aspect of your care. Regardless of why you may have been referred to Dr. Burgoyne or Dr. Wong, they will always begin with a complete examination. During the course of examination, it may become necessary to collect historical information and perform additional diagnostic tests. This is often required to provide a diagnosis and appropriate treatment options for you. The prosthodontists and their Treatment Coordinator will create as seamless as possible experience for you. In a word, they will take control but keep you informed every step of the way.
If you feel that you need specialist prosthodontic care you don't need to be referred. However, it is often in your best interest to ask your dentist about your situation first. Please contact our office today to schedule an appointment.
Dental Implants
Complete Care
Regardless of the procedures involved, implant treatment must always begin with proper planning. Nobody wants just a titanium post in their bone - they want a functional, esthetic, and natural looking replacement for teeth!
Dr. Burgoyne received his first dental implant training in 1987 from the father of modern dental implantology, Dr. P. I. Brannemark. Since that time he has placed and restored over 3500 dental implants often providing both the surgical and prosthodontic phases of treatment.
Dr. Wong has had comprehensive training on implant placement during his training, both at the University off Pittsburgh and the renown Misch Implant Institute. He has been trained in digital implant planning, bone grafting, surgical implant placement and restoration of implants from single teeth to complex implant rehabilitations.
Every case is unique, so Dr. Burgoyne and Dr. Wong also work extensively with many oral surgeons and periodontists throughout Southwestern Ontario and the GTA in order to provide you the best possible treatment.

8:30AM - 4:00 PM
Monday - Friday
By appointment only
Specialist Prosthodontist servicing the areas of Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Elmira, Elora, Fergus, Listowel,
Wellesley, St. Clements, Woodstock, Stratford, Brantford, Kincardine, Hanover, Wingham, Goderich, Owen Sound