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Involving you in planning your treatment

Digital Smile Analysis

A fundamental objective of an aesthetic treatment is your satisfaction and that the outcome of the treatment should meet your expectation of enhancing your facial aesthetics and smile. It is not uncommon to doubt the end result of the treatment, which is an irreversible procedure.  Digital Simile Analysis can help us and you understand the deficiencies and requirements for potential change. Digital Smile Analysis uses 2D photographs, video and software to design and modify your smile digitally and lets you see it beforehand by creating and presenting a digital mockup of your new smile design before the treatment physically starts. It allows you to be involved in the smile design process, thus helping us achieve more predictable treatment outcomes. 

All images on this site have been taken by Dr. Burgoyne or Dr. Wong and used with patient's permission . No images have been enhanced or altered beyond cropping, rotation, and/or brightness levels.


© 2022 Kitchener Waterloo Prosthodontics

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