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Sleep and quality of life can be improved


Snoring is the sound of partially blocked breathing breathing during sleep. Snoring can be harmless  but it might be early signs of more serious conditions like upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) or obstructive sleep apnea.(OSA) Snoring occurs when the flow of air is partially obstructed by structures in the mouth and throat.  When air goes by these obstructions, the throat structures vibrate causing the sound we know as snoring. Large tonsils, a long soft palate and uvula and excess fat deposits can all make the airway narrower than it needs to be.   Appliance therapy such as Somnomed may provide patients with a healthy alternative to treatment devices like the CPAP.  If you  have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and are having difficulty utilizing the CPAP, an oral appliance may help.

All images on this site have been taken by Dr. Burgoyne or Dr. Wong and used with patient's permission . No images have been enhanced or altered beyond cropping, rotation, and/or brightness levels.


© 2022 Kitchener Waterloo Prosthodontics

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